Windows 10 has broken my VPN Client

The resolution to this depends on whether the SIM card estate is made up of entirely Eseye AnyNet SIM cards or includes Orange/EE SIM cards.

Estates of only AnyNet SIM cards:

Eseye can migrate your estate from using the VPN client to using Cisco’s AnyConnect. To achieve this send support an email and download AnyConnect (a user guide for this is found here)

To use a preconfigured email:

To send your own email please ensure that you include the following:

  • To:
  • Subject: I have upgraded to Windows 10 and the VPN client has broken
  • SIAM account name

Eseye will set up the new VPN and email the details needed.

Estates which include Orange/EE SIMS:

If suitable you can migrate to a lan-to-lan VPN, to complete this email support.

To use a preconfigured email:

To send your own email please ensure that you include the following:

  • To:
  • Subject: I have upgraded to Windows 10 and the VPN client has broken and I have Orange/EE SIMs
  • SIAM account name
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